This year is the 5th anniversary of Kolibrí Festivaali and Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry invites you and your community, association or institution from KOTKA, TAMPERE and OULU to hear and share thoughts about building new and safe spaces of encounters for plurilingual families and communities, with a focus on children and diversity.
The aim of this project, founded by Moniheli, is to encourage other actors to expand their own cultural practices and children cultural agendas by drawing on our experience producing Kolibrí Festivaali.
In this workshop we will discuss how creative platforms support relations among different cultures in particular we will share experiences gathered while making a multicultural children’s art festival and together think on ways to capitalize on the strengths of local actors and communities.
Kolibrí is a unique, free and open festival for children and their families taking place every autumn in the Helsinki Metropolitan area (see To date, Kolibrí is the largest and most ambitious children’s festival organized by any immigrant community in Finland with counterpart in the Nordic Region. The first edition was in 2015 and in 2021 we will celebrate its 10th edition.
The main questions motivating this workshop are:
- How can we build new and safe spaces of encounters for families and communities, with a focus on children’s culture and diversity?
- How to expand diversity, high-quality and equal accessibility to these activities for all children?
ONLINE PROGRAM: 10 am until 1 pm (English language)
10 – 10.10 Welcoming words
10.10 – 10.30 The Case of Kolibrí Festivaali:
- How can festivals work as places for building community, supporting diversity and respect that could foster mutual understanding?
- From necessities and rights to a safe space for encounters
- From an idea to a Festival/event
10.30 – 10.45 Questions & Answers
10.45 – 11 Sharing Children’s Culture and Diversity’s Info-Pack
11.00 – 11.30 Group work (Part 1): Mapping local networks for Building Spaces of Encounter
11.30 – 12 Lunch break
12- 12.30 Group work (Part 2): Visualizing local strengths and opportunities within our communities (with families, children and young people in mind)
12.30 – 12.50 Plenary and new horizons
12.50 -13 Closing remarks
This event has LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE. Please, reserve your place in advance:
KOTKA: 7.11. – TAMPERE: 14.11. – OULU: 24.11.
Capacity: max 30 people
Target Group:
People involved in and/or interested in the promotion of children’s culture and diversity as well as the creation and promotion of safe and intercultural spaces of encounter for children and their families, including:
- Multicultural associations members.
- Institutions and organizations (local and regional) linked to the fields of education, culture and welfare.
- Local government authorities.
- NGOs and independent groups.
- Migrant communities and grassroots organizations members.
- Cultural and welfare workers artists, activists, producers, librarians, among others.
- Researchers in the field.
- Parents
Technical requirements:
A computer or laptop which has speakers, a microphone and a video camera. A reliable internet connection and preferably a quiet room.
We will use the open access Google Jamboard digital tool (a digital whiteboard). It is not necessary to have a gmail account to access this tool.
More information: [email protected]