Kolibrí festivaali 5th anniversary
Kulttuurikeskus Ninho invites artists, researchers and other professionals in the fields of education, arts and culture, of different orígins and experiences, residing in Finland, to send their proposals for activities to be part of the program of Kolibrí Festivaali. The selected proposals will be featured in the 9th edition of Kolibrí taking place 25.-27.09.2020 in Helsinki and the metropolitan area.
This call will close on 2nd of March 2020 at midnight.
We are looking for activities for children to be shared with a diverse, plurilingual and intergenerational audience, in line with the objectives and methodology of our festival. We accept proposals from the following disciplines and combinations thereof: literature, graphic art, visual arts, design, architecture, music, dance, theater, circus, science, culinary culture, among others.The Kolibrí program combines a number of activities, ranging from ancestral, artistic and cultural expressions to the most recent advances in technológy and sciences.
The format can be:
- short (45 min) and/or long (180 min) durationworkshops.
- performances (45 min): storytelling, spectacles, theater pieces, concerts, etc.
- nstallations (depending on the possibilities offered by the cultural centres and libraries who will accommodate us).
Kulttuurikeskus Ninho covers the compensations of those selected as follows:
- An hour of workshop: 65€ per artist (including social costs)
- Performance: 170€ per artist (including social costs)
Moreover, we offer financial support for the cost of materials (within reason) and we’ll cover the space as well as both equipment and technicians of sound and light. Unfortunately we don’t have the necessary means to cover travel costs to Helsinki, nor the rental of any kind of equipment.
Kolibrí Festivaali is a new way to experience and to create children’s culture with the diversity in Finland as the starting point. The purpose of the Festivaali is to offer a safe and positive space for enjoying quality time in family, for learning about the arts, science and culture, where the dialog, mutual respect and understanding exist from the earliest childhood.
- Methodological pillars of the Kolibrí program.
- Intergenerationality: children together with adults and seniors
- Plurilingualism: heritage languages are not a secret, they are a cultural asset for learning.
- Diversity: the children, together with their families and the facilitators, participate in a program of activities valorizing the very characteristics that make them unique and special.
- Accessibility: all and sundry are welcome and respected as they are; all can participate in, and enjoy the activities without fear of discrimination.
- What do we mean by diversity?
Diversity means that differences relating to people’s identities are respected in a safe and positive atmosphere. In a society, diversity requires consideration and acknowledgement of all groups, as well as respect for, and learning from our differences. The differences can be based on, for example, gender, sexuality, social and economic status, age, physical properties, disability, appearance, religion, language, cultural distinctions, ethnicity, political views or different ideologies and beliefs. (Kulttuuria Kaikille 2019). - Audience:
- Families, in all their variants of love, coming from different realities and using different heritage languages.
- Diverse children from 3 months to 10 years of age.
- Since 2018, members of the Kolibrí audience have identified over 10 different heritage languages being spoken in the public in addition to Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish and English.
- Theme 2020: Amazonia the World’s heart, climate change and biodiversity: indigenous peoples, ancestral wisdom and cultures.
The proposals will be selected in accordance with availability of funds and depending on how well they meet the following criteria:
- Wakening the capacity for wonder, creation, enjoyment, experimentation and teamwork in children.
- Promoting values such as mutual respect, dialog and the richness of diversity.
- Linked with the 2020 theme.
- Favoring the active participation of family twosomes at the following ages:
- Babies from 3 to 12 months or non-walking ones.
- from 1 to 3 years, toddlers.
- from 3 to 6 years, preschoolers.
- over 7 years, school-goers.
- Promoting an atmosphere of plurilingual participation: in Spanish and/or Portuguese, English, and/or Finnish and/or Swedish or combinations thereof. Other languages are also welcome should the material not be translated into Spanish and/or Portuguese. In areas of literature and music, our focus will be on these languages.
- Favorizing sustainability when it comes to the budget (reasonable and realistic costs), usage of either recycled or low ecological impact and low cost materials.
In 2020 we’ll grant special attention to proposals promoting:
- the active participation of differently abled children, of fathers as facilitators of program activities, of seniors together with toddlers as well as with children over 10 years.
- the participation of talents either members of the Association Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry, or associations of artists or similar that can propose a plan of mutual cooperation.
- creative use of sewing and embroidering machines, virtual reality, percussion instruments and of aliments which don’t require cooking.
- the capacity to recruit volunteers for the activity (NB: multilingual persons who assist in the activities as volunteers can receive a certificate for credits in areas such as art, sciences and translation).
Very important: even if Kolibrí is a festival with Iberoamerican roots, proposals of artists and expressions from other parts of the world are equally welcome.
- Audience: age, languages, etc.
- Structure of the proposal (beginning, development and closure).
- Specify why this activity is relevant to the selection criteria.
- Budget, including the actual costs of materials, persons involved (and which ones of these are being paid in compliance with the festival rates) and an eventual proposal of cooperation. Detail the necessary materials (quantity, cost per unit). Detail the necessary materials (quantity, cost per unit).
- Detail the necessary technological resources (audio, illumination, staging measures, chairs, tables, other).
- Detail the method of recovery (verokortti=tax card or lasku=invoice) and banking/account information in Finland.
- Contact info (name, email address, teléphone number, website, social media: Facebook, Instagram, others) up-to-date and regularly consulted.
- A brief summary of the career path of the team or its members.
- Specify your motivation to participate in Kolibrí Festivaali.
Moreover, it is necessary to join the following documents without exception:
- CV in Spanish, Portuguese or English, in pdf format.
- Individual or group photo (as the case may be), in jpg format, horizontal, min.1200px wide that can be used in the promotion of the activity.
- For performances it is required to include a link to some audiovisual material where the proposal can be seen. In other categories, it is recommended to include photos, videos or other supporting material to illustrate the proposal.
- Complete the Google form which is in English but can be filled in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
- This call will close on 2nd of March 2020 at midnight.
- On 30th of March.2020 a preliminary list of the selected proposals will be published in www.kolibrifestivaali.org
- As soon as the financing has been confirmed, the final list of the selected will be published.
- The results of the selection are definitive and indisputable.
All the information compiled is confidential and for the exclusive use of this selection. The audiovisual material, as well as opinions regarding Kolibrí will be used in social media for the promotion of the Festival.
More information: [email protected]